Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Financial Crisis or A Man Made Crisis?

Since 2008 when the US sub prime mortgage problem surfaced, it creates tremendous negative impact on the global economy which witnessed the fall of Lehman Brothers, AIG the once largest insurer in the world with US$1 Trillion assets seeking US Govt bailout, Citi Group share price plunge below US1 and so on..... No one was spared from this crisis!

Since then, people like you & me are hoping that things would get better, no retrenchments, no pay cut and our dependents will not be at risk. I truly understand these concerns because we are all concern for our "SURVIVAL". Because of this, it leads me to think further how did this crisis even happened? Where actually did all the money go? Did it just disappear and vanish into thin air because of this crisis? Or was this crisis another innovative creation by a bunch of smarter human beings?

I do understand that everyone makes mistake but Corporations which benefited from this crisis should be investigated cause the entire world (which make up the global economy) is suffering due to the faulty financial products introduced and therefore any profit gained out of it should be returned to where it came from.

A lot of my friends, colleagues and my clients shared with me that this crisis is "part and parcel of the economy which generally meant that what goes up, must come down". Then i asked most of them to share why they think so and their replies are because history shows that every 10 years or so there will be a recession and it's the cycle of the economy. I paused and asked them "Is it true that economy must behave in this manner"? They paused too with a confused expression... Then they asked me for my opinion and i shared " Generally, economy do not behave this such manner, it's us, human beings made the economy to behave like that. And why? The most valid reason maybe for monetary factor which may led to greed factor and in return a recession arise..

If we really think about it, all these are the creations of human beings which includes the Great Depression, the Asian Financial Crisis and the current crisis. Why cant economy grow at a steady and consistant pace? Who affirms that economy must go through recession every 10 years? Or what is an economy in the first place? Is the so called economy improving the lives of all mankind or it is just a manipulation process? I hope to learn more and able to share in my next write up.. Regards.

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